From preconception planning to prenatal care to fetal development monitoring to delivery, Dr. Roy Ayalon is always there for his patients from day one and on. Dr. Ayalon believes the best way to ensure a safe delivery is to provide continuous care from one doctor during your full pregnancy.
Dr. Ayalon takes his time getting to know his patients and you can be assured that you’ll receive personal, individualized care. At any time, feel free to share your thoughts, concerns, and preferences to Dr. Ayalon and he will listen, answer your questions, and adjust your care when necessary. You can rest easy knowing that your baby will be delivered safely and happily with the most advanced and personal medical care possible.
Pregnancy is a complicated process. To help you understand what’s to come, this general guideline will serve as a reference of what typically occurs in most women during their pregnancies. Counting the weeks of a pregnancy can be done several different ways, but for this guide, we’ll use the gestational age method, which counts day one of the pregnancy as the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period. Keep in mind that conception has yet to take place on day one with this method.
There is no straightforward schedule that all pregnancies are expected to follow perfectly. Your pregnancy may differ from this guide’s description and others you’ve been told about. If you experience pregnancy in a different manner, it is not necessarily a problem. If you have any concerns, you should consult Dr. Ayalon as soon as possible.
Week 4:
A missed period may alert you to the possibility of pregnancy. Light bleeding may occur in place of a normal menstrual period. An over-the-counter home pregnancy test should be purchased and used to confirm your suspicions. Contact Dr. Ayalon if you get a positive result. You should have your blood pressure and weight taken and have your urine examined at your next appointment. As soon as possible, your pre-natal lab will be drawn. Your breasts may swell and feel tender. Morning sickness accompanied by nausea can occur. Your growing uterus will put pressure on your bladder, resulting in more trips to the bathroom. You may feel hungry more often and notice an increase in saliva. Your hunger may drive you to crave certain foods and be put off by others. Headaches, bloated feelings, and fatigue are common, as well.
Week 8:
The symptoms from week 4 may continue. You should have your weight, blood pressure, and urine sample taken again. An ultrasound can be performed to measure the embryo and check the heartbeat. Your waistline may expand slightly. Hormones may develop a breakout of pimples and cause you to feel emotional. Headaches, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, and gas may occur. Consider investing in a good support bra for your pregnancy.
Week 12:
The usual tests should be taken again by Dr. Ayalon. Your uterus should rise off your bladder, ending your need to frequently urinate. However, the uterus may now be putting pressure on your bowels, resulting in constipation. Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat high-fiber foods. Morning sickness should also resolve soon. You will develop more blood over time, causing periodic headaches and light-headedness. Your nipples may enlarge and darken in color.
Week 16:
With your blood volume now at 140-150% of its normal level, you may develop nosebleeds or congestion. Expect to gain 5 to 10 pounds by now. If your skin becomes dry or itchy and develops spots or rashes, hydrate it with lotion and drink more water. Dizziness, light-headedness, and faintness may occur. Be careful when getting up.
Week 20:
At your halfway point of your pregnancy, you will notice more physical changes. Those with “innie” belly buttons may notice they now have an “outie.” A vertical line below your belly button may develop called linea nigra. This will fade after delivery. You may gain more weight and even feel your baby move. In addition to the usual routine checkup, Dr. Ayalon will be performing an abdominal ultrasound to ensure healthy growth and sound anatomical formation.
Week 24:
With your uterus now the size of a soccer ball, you’ll feel the strain on your back and pelvis. Rest frequently and try to change your body position. Your uterus may prevent your lungs from expanding fully, but your circulatory system will ensure that you and your baby receive the proper amount of oxygen. In addition to the usual tests, you may be checked for gestational diabetes, which is a form of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy. Consider signing up for a childbirth class.
Week 28:
Your baby is really growing now and you may start to experience swelling, hemorrhoids, heartburn, indigestion, itchiness, backaches, and leg cramps. In addition to the usual tests, you may complete a birthing plan with Dr. Ayalon, which includes your preferences for childbirth.
Week 32:
Heartburn, indigestion, constipation, and shortness of breath may continue in these weeks. Drink plenty of water and eat high-fiber foods. You may find yourself leaking urine when you laugh, cough, or sneeze. By now, Dr. Ayalon may want to see you every two weeks.
Week 36:
Weight gain may be up to 25 or 30 pounds. Vaginal discharge may contain mucus and blood. With the uterus lowering, breathing will be easier, but the need to urinate will increase. The baby may move frequently and cause discomfort. Sleeping may be difficult. Your visits to the doctor may be once a week now.
Week 40:
Your baby is due any day now. The 40th week is simply an estimated arrival date, so just relax if labor does not take place a week or two later. Dr. Ayalon will recommend induced labor if your baby is late enough. Try to relax and be wary for signs and symptoms of labor, including cramps, nausea, lower backaches, or “broken water,” which will come out as a trickle or rush of fluid. Contact Dr. Ayalon immediately if you feel you are experiencing symptoms of labor.